Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cattle drive!

I am in Colorado right now and, yesterday, went on a cattle drive! It was so much fun and the view of the mountains is soooo beautiful! Here are some pictures:
The mountains were so pretty with the fog that morning.
The cattle!

I can't believe how gorgeous the ride was, the mountains are such a beautiful thing. God is so awesome and huge that He can make these beautiful mountains for our enjoyment! Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abagayle! I thought I would comment and say hi! Your trip sounds very fun! It must have been awesome!
    I was reading your last blog post about if anyone wants to talk that your here. Well, I want to encourage you to keep it up! I mean it is really funny but I have been writing blog posts the same way! Because I know what it feels like to be struggling with something and I want to reach out to people and tell them that God IS here and knows the hurt inside! So I just think that is cool that God put that on both of our hearts dear girl!
    Well, God Bless!

    A Servant 4 Christ,


Thank you so much for all of your comments! Have a wonderful day!