Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kittens in Hartland, WI- free to a good home!!!

There are these kittens at the barn my horse is boarded at that are free to a good home! I think they might be litter box trained. There are two girls and one boy. They are all snuggly and love to be pet and held! None of them are fixed or declawed. If you are interested, please let me know in a comment!!!! :)

This is one of the girls. She is so sweet!

Here is the other girl. She's also super nice!!

And here is the really fuzzy boy!!!


  1. Are they long haired or short?

  2. I am not totally sure...the boy's hair is very long but I think the other two girls have short hair.

  3. Also, if they were sold they would prefer to sell them all together because they all love eachother!! :)

  4. Thanks 4 the info:)
    but my mom is allergic to long hair :(
    <3 Josey


Thank you so much for all of your comments! Have a wonderful day!