Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring fever!

Hello! As you all know, spring is on its way! All of the animals are getting spring fever! When we let out our dogs they are trying to run away and when I let my bunnies out to play he has so much energy! I think it would be a great idea to let your dogs run around or take them on a walk. My sister and I ran our dogs around outside a few weeks ago and they got so tired! It would really be good to take them outside, they seem much more mellow once they get to run! Speaking of getting ready for spring, I got this book called Cherry Hills Horsekeeping Almanac. It is a great book, it has different sections in it for all of the seasons! It has a bunch of tips on how to get your horse ready for spring. Here is a link to look at it online!

It is a great book with lots of tips! Take a look and have a nice, spring-smelling day! :)

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